Industrial Foregoing

Industrial Foregoing


Meat Feeder issue

LeChuckXIV opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Industrial Foregoing Version: 1.8.3
TeslaCoreLib Version: .0.12

playing on server, using the meat feeder dc's the client when trying to feed player,


I can relate to this issue, I wanted to get the new saturation promised by the 122 update from 121, so I put the meet feeder in my backback and did a little exercise so I would need some food, when I wanted to get the feeder back into my inventory, I got Internal server error, I cannot connect to my server anymore, I will need to resort to a fresh backup.

Ninja Edit : I finally was able to connect, but still no saturation from the meet feeder to report.

Double Edit : As soon as I need feeding, I get a crash internal server error.