Industrial Foregoing

Industrial Foregoing


Crash when extracting enchantments from pick in Enchantment Extractor

calloatti opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Industrial Foregoing Version: industrialforegoing-1.12.2-1.8.10-142.jar
TeslaCoreLib Version: tesla-core-lib-1.12-1.0.13.jar
Crashlog (If Any):

This started happening after I updated to the version specified.


The update let me extract all the enchantments from the pick without crashing. After seeing that the NBT was wrong, I just destroyed the pick and got a new one. Thanks.


Seems like the pick NBT data was somehow corrupt. I managed to remove all the enchantments from the pick now using the Enchantment Extractor, but this is how the NBT looked like:

Left: abnormal pick with all enchants removed, Right: normal pick


Since I only used IF machines to apply/remove enchantments, I guess something went wrong along the way.

I got into this problem trying to upgrade some enchantments by one level by using Quark's Tomes, so I first removed the enchantments and tthen upgraded some of them and finally tried to apply them back.

After getting a new pick, I managed to do the entire process with no crashes.


Maybe the update fixed that?