Industrial Foregoing

Industrial Foregoing


Incompatibility with Binnies Latex.

Opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Hi, this is a small problem we're having on any pack that has Binnies Mods installed. When one uses Industrial Foregoing's Tree Fluid Extractor with Binnies installed, it makes Binnies Mods Latex. That would not be a problem, wasn't it for the fact that the Latex Processing Unit doesn't accept Binnies Latex.
I hope you can take a look on that :)


Can I get more info about it, like modlist, setup, mod versions? Because it's 100% imposible, they have different registry names, Binnies uses binnie.latex and mine latex. I couldn't even replicate the issue.

Any ideas @mezz ?


Sorry for not providing this info before. We are using Radon 1.1.5. The mod versions are for Binnies, for Forestry and 1.1-25 for Industrial Foregoing. TeslaCoreLib is 1.0.7. Forgelin 1.5.1.

For the modlist,


The issues seem to only be appearing on Radon. They have been fixed on the newer version. Time to make Elucent update the pack. Sorry for wasting your time.

Now I look like a idiot.