Industrial Foregoing

Industrial Foregoing


resourceful furnace stops producing essence

comical-uk opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Industrial Foregoing Version: 1.10.4-187 (FTB Continuum 1.4.1)
TeslaCoreLib Version: 1.0.15
Crashlog (If Any): N/A


I'm not sure how to recreate it it, but I've at a certain point the resourceful furnace stops producing essence. it still smelts as expected just no essence

unfortunately it is on a minecraft server network so I have no access to any console logs

breaking and replacing it does not seem to get it working as expected again


after a bit more testing, it has just stopped producing essence when used for smelting iron, any other material still produces essence


Does this happen in Singleplayer or multiplayer ?


it was multiplayer, I havent been able to test it again after a server restart though



the original material (pulverised iron) is working again now, however the material that I had swapped it onto (pulverised gold) has stopped working now


I have the same issue on 1.12.2 but i'm told changing out the ore to a different thing usually fixes it for awhile. I don't know if this is coded into it because I haven't got time to check but would be good to know


๐Ÿ‘‹ Sorry but Industrial Foregoing has ended support for version 1.12. I'm closing this issue as it will no longer be updated for that version. Thanks for playing with the mod.