Industrial Foregoing

Industrial Foregoing


Possible bug with Machines? (Plant Sower/Plant Recolector)

Frixon1 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Are the machines, in my case the Plant Sower and Plant "Recolector", designed to constantly use energy with no way to turn them off? Or is this a bug? I'd like to know because it drained my power banks before I even finished building the farm itself.


So in order to make the machines essentially "Idle" you'd have to just stop supplying it with energy?


Yes it is intended, it checks a block after another everytime it does work.


Yep, redstone mode is not implemented yet, but next version will.


Oh, Alright that makes much more sense than what I was understanding from your earlier answer. I was afraid it was a potential design choice. I'm glad its just not implemented yet. XD