Industrial Foregoing

Industrial Foregoing


[SUGGESTION] Full Auto-Anvil

TomShkurti opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Industrial Foregoing Version: Any
TeslaCoreLib Version: Any
Crashlog (If Any): N/A

A while back as a small 1.7.10 test mod I made a 'full' auto-anvil machine with the ability to rename items and repair them as well as applying and combining enchantments. I was planning to upgrade and release this as an add-on for IF in 1.12, but was wondering if instead people would be interested in this just becoming a part of regular IF in place of the Enchantment Applicator?

A full breakdown of the machine's behavior is as follows:

  • Emulation of all conventional anvil functions including combining enchantments on books and weapons, repairing items, and renaming.
  • In place of player levels, consumed Essence as defined by a table in the configuration file going up to Level 30. Will likely change this to a flat multiplier for Essence per level, as well as a similar multiplier for consuming power.
  • Had an additional slot which would only accept vanilla anvils, and required one to be present for the machine to work. Every operation had a chance to increase the damage on the anvil and eventually destroy it. This chance was adjustable by a config value.
  • There were also config values determining whether to:
    • apply the 'prior work' effect to items worked in the device.
    • add incompatible enchantments when combining enchantments
    • add enchantments not normally applicable to the item
    • rename for free

๐Ÿ‘‹ Sorry but Industrial Foregoing has ended support for version 1.12. I'm closing this issue as it will no longer be updated for that version. Thanks for playing with the mod.