Industrial Foregoing

Industrial Foregoing


Mob Slaughter causing my game to crash

McAsa7 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Hello there. I'm having a recent problem. I just got 3 crashes with the same problem (mob_slaughter). I was playing normaly and from nowhere I crashed. Restarted my server and it crashed 2 more times... All 3 times I crashed in the same moment that a mob started to be killed. When I saw the report ( I didn't understand it very well. HELP?


Crashed again but this time it was a complitly different report:


Hello, I seem to have a similar problem.
My world crashes pretty much randomly with this report : link
I don't know if the bug comes from Twilight Forest or this mod.
Just wanted to help!


Duplicate #413


I'm sorry, but none of those problems was what happened to me! I had 1 mob slaughter with 2 quantum tanks in eatch side connected with transfer pipes. It was running ok for 2 weeks and started to crash from nowhere...