Industrial Foregoing

Industrial Foregoing


The block placer can dupe items when moved by a piston

SeRimir opened this issue · 4 comments


Industrial Foregoing Version: 1.12.2-1.12.13-237
TeslaCoreLib Version:
Crashlog (If Any): No crashlog


This needs more context


well the problem is from a long time ago, like 8 or 9 months, i was trying to make an automatic placer for the tree extractor but i didn´t have the space so i needed to move the placer and put a pipe, first i tried moving the block placer with a piston to see if i could move it then it dropped the blocks it had inside, when i broke the placer it dropped the items again, i replicated it a couple of times to see if whats the placer or something else, and everytime the placer is moved it drops the items but the items are still inside the placer.

I am sorry for the bad english is not my first language, and i reported it now beacause i thinked that you would fix it. Maybe its a mod that i have so i will do it now without other mods.


Don't move tile entities, another mod enables tile entity moving and it's wrong.


oh ok, sorry for the trouble