Industrial Foregoing

Industrial Foregoing


plant sower not planting when it should

DoomSquirter opened this issue · 3 comments


Industrial Foregoing Version: industrial-foregoing-1.15.2-2.3.0-6f57752
TeslaCoreLib Version:
Crashlog (If Any):

mystical agri farmland and infernium seeds. there are like 30 seeds in the sower atm and there's about 20 or so blank plots but I've watched it for 5 minutes and it's not filling the area. Over a longer period of time, like 20 or so minutes, it'll start using the blank areas but it seems when it does this, new blank areas are made.

I've got the tier 7 (iron) upgrade in sower

I had this problem in another 1.15 pack, but that time with potatos. I posted this pic at the time in our discord...
same upgrade there but regular farmland and potatos

I've watched it long enough and this isn't just the sower taking time to get around to all the plots. it does seem to think maybe those are occupied? and not using them, but at some point it seems to just reset and again, do this with other random plots. (different all the time)


so, here's an img

figured I'd try to split up the duty a little. made 4 3x3 plots, one sower, 4 plant gatherers, each gather does 3x3 area, the sower does the entire 7x7 area.

notice that lower left corner fully grown inferium. it's been sitting there for close to 5 minutes or more w/o being harvested. definately within the 3x3 area it should need to be. (verified with show area button). don't know why it won't harvest it.

overall, planting/harvesting is really sluggish but w/o speed upgrades, hard to tell if this will be corrected by that.

side question: are you going to implement the interactor in 1.15?


meh, if I watch it long enough, I am noticing a pattern. tldr, I think it's just really slow since you haven't enabled/created speed upgrades yet.

but I think when it is planting in a line then it reaches spots where something is in there, it takes longer to pass those than it does planting on empty spots, which causes even more slow down.

I'm seeing plots vanish but ofc it's random and tbh, I have to assume they grew 100%. feel free to close this then and I'll make a new one if it persists after you make the speed upgrades.



so, this pack default set the gatherer and sower both at 40 max progress in the config. I set it to 20 and now when I watch it do it's work, all the problems seem to disappear. 🤷