Industrial Foregoing

Industrial Foregoing


[1.16] Sludge Refiner use 1000RF/t? not 400

jlusuoya opened this issue · 0 comments


It can't work without other mods。

The fastest generator is only "Biofuel Generator" (no Protein Generator in 1.16.3). I can place most 6 generators around "Sludge Refiner ", only 160*6=960 power can be obtained, which is less than 1000.

When the power is less than 1000, it not waits for charging, but continues to work, and then interrupted when RF is zero, i gets nothing. This may be bug.

For example: if charging is 500RF/t, I think it should wait 2 seconds and work once use 1000RF. In fact, it was working at 500 , and then it interrupted after consumed 500RF, Another second was so one, consumed 500 twice total, and nothing was gained.

this is configure in code:

@ConfigVal(comment = "Amount of Power Consumed per Tick - Default: [400FE]")
public static int powerPerTick = 1000;