Industrial Revolution

Industrial Revolution


[REQUEST] Use of Toxic Mud

sivizius opened this issue ยท 1 comments



  • Toxic Mud, produced by purification of ores with sulfuric acid does not seem to have either an purpose (well, there probably is none, I guess) or some useful treatment. E.g. purification with filters to get water and $ToxicWaste (well, now we have to find a use for that m)), Void?
  • If there is a use, than Toxic Mud Buckets should be removed, so one cannot just destroy it by dumping the bucket in lava.
  • From a chemical perspective, the toxic waste contains mostly Sulfates of certain metals, mostly Calcium, Sodium, and other Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals as well as Rare Earth Metals. Maybe the waste could be used in some high-end electronics?


  • At the moment Toxic Mud is just waste that cannot be destroyed automacially

Hmm I was kind of just considering removing it but I like this idea for high-end electronics. Not sure if it really fits indrev but I'll give it some thought. Thanks for the suggestion