Industrial Revolution

Industrial Revolution


[REQUEST] Sorry if this is misuse of issue report / misplaced - Looking for guide breakdown of all added features as every link provided sends me in circles

Jmac11927 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Apologies in advance, I am someone who puts down and picks up MC once every like 2 years, and only for a few weeks or so. I am playing using these mods, and am just trying to get a breakdown on how/what each thing does in this mod, how to power it, transport stuff, etc. The wiki points to the github, the github has the Readme, the Readme points to the main page, and the main page points to the github. So Im all sorts of lost haha.


Nevermind - realized you can search all listed items with "@Industrial" and found the book you can craft in-game which breaks it all down. Sorry!


Hi! xD