Industrial Revolution

Industrial Revolution


[1.16.2] Installing this mod with 'KubeJS-Fabric' causes custom recipes not to load properly.

Gbergz opened this issue ยท 10 comments


Adding recipes through KubeJS with this mod installed makes the recipes added not work, but after a '/reload' it works like 25% of the time.
Also the recipes added gets added shown twice in REI. That is when a recipe added do work which it likely won't.
It's really hard to explain this but essentially when I load into a world and check for a custom recipe, it sometimes doesn't load. And if it loads (which is rare), it gets shown twice in REI. But then after a '/reload' or relog the recipe is gone again.

This doesn't happen when the mod is removed.
Meaning everything works as intended if this mod is removed.

Example of double REI recipes:


Minecraft: 1.16.2
Fabric API: 0.19.0+build.398-1.16
IndRev: 1.6.2-BETA
KubeJS: 1.4.1

Other information:
This is reproducable for me on an empty instance with only Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin & KubeJS. And ofcourse Industrial Revolution. With a custom recipe.

- Gbergz


Is there any log output that could be related to this?


I've been sitting trying to figure out what could be causing it for like 3 hours now. Logs say nothing. I've gotten help by AK9 and we're both unsure. Until I decided to remove a mod 1 by 1 until the problem went away. It did when I removed this mod.


I tried tracking this but could not find anything. This is possibly a KubeJS issue, I'd recommend opening an issue on their repository. If it ends up being an issue on my end, I'll happily fix it!


Can you please test if the issue is fixed with this version?


Just tried it, same issue persists unfortunately.


In your log, are you seeing errors similar to these? KubeJS-Mods/KubeJS-Fabric#3
But pertaining to industrial revolution?


In your log, are you seeing errors similar to these? KubeJS-Mods/KubeJS-Fabric#3
But pertaining to industrial revolution?

Yes but only this line:
[ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-3/WARN]: Parsing error loading recipe techreborn:centrifuge/calciumcarbonate_cell net.minecraft.class_151: Non [a-z0-9_.-] character in namespace of location: {fluid:"techreborn:calcium_carbonate",holder:"techreborn:cell"}

Edit: Nothing similar in the logs like that line for Ind Rev.


It's strange that it happens even without AE2 and TechReborn which is what I add compatibility recipes for. If you don't add any custom recipes does everything work as expected?


Recipes work like normal if there are no custom recipes available.


This should be fixed in the latest version of KubeJS, thanks for the report!