Industrial Revolution

Industrial Revolution


[BUG] Gamer Axe cannot handle empty key bind, causing GLFW error

KrLite opened this issue · 2 comments



I set the key bind of Toggle Gamer Axe to Not bound and closed, then the game cannot create a screen when I reopened Minecraft.

It seems that GLFW cannot handle the unknown key bind, but this does not cause the same issue in other mods, so I suspect it's a design defect in indrev's code, such as some force calls to key binds(I haven't checked the source code yet so these are only my inferences).

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Open Minecraft and navigate to Key Binds setting screen
  2. Set the key bind of Toggle Gamer Axe to Not bound (press Escape after clicking the key bind)

截屏2023-01-11 09 07 48

  1. Close Minecraft
  2. Reopen it, and the game cannot create a screen, with an error GLFW error 65540: Invalid scancode -1

The definition of "cannot create a screen" means that the game can load, but without having a screen. Minecraft just idles in the dock and I cannot operate the game.

Technical Information:

  • Minecraft: 1.18.2
  • Fabric API: 0.67.0
  • Industrial Revolution: 1.14.1-BETA
  • Modpack: None. I'm testing Indrev in a new 1.18.2 instance as I'm suspecting the key bind issue.


Crash Log


Computer Information: Mac, having up-to-date drivers.

The error looks like:
截屏2023-01-11 09 08 08

The Invalid scancode -1 actually happens very often in logs, as players are scrolling down to a Not bound key bind option. But they does not cause crashes or issues like not showing a screen. So this bug is quite eerie and toxic. Hope that you can repair it, thanks.


same issue here with the exact same steps.

i am on windows 10 and everything is up to date as well.


same issue for Modular item configuration