Industrial Revolution

Industrial Revolution


[BUG] Manual does not mention how to get coolant into the buckets

WebDragon opened this issue ยท 2 comments


It took me way longer than I would care to admit, to figure out I needed to
A> make a separate tank because you cannot click, shift-click, right-click, or shift-right-click a bucket on the fluid infuser to extract, coolant into a bucket, and it has no internal interface to put buckets into for extraction
B> Boggle over the fact the tank has no internal interface to insert buckets into
C> rememeber i needed to also screwdriver the side of the infuser to output in addition to putting a retriever on the fluid pipe end where the tank is

Steps to Reproduce:

  • come at this with either too many expectations from working with other mods :-D , or be a complete newbie to how this stuff works, so one goes to look in the manual for hints and finds none.

Technical Information:

  • Minecraft: 1.19.2
  • Fabric API: ? fabric-loader-1.19.2-0.14.12 ? is this what you needed to know?
  • Industrial Revolution: 1.15.1-BETA
  • Modpack: FTB Legend of the Eyes 1.1.1

if you need further deets I'll be happy to provide, but I think that about sums it up. I was major confused by either one thing or another, and the lack of info in the manual on just exactly how you were expected to get the coolant into the bucket just furthered that frustration.


btw you can just screwdriver to auto output (there is toggle for this in gui) in certain direction and slap tank adjacent to the infuser, no need for pipes and servos
also try r-clicking the bar with coolant directly with bucket, I did that for the fluid in input slot succesfully.


good to know about the auto-output - that will save me a little space.

Never even thought to try clicking the column. Will have to try that next time, as it's all in the tank already.

Still, something in the manual should mention these details, both for newbies and for those of use used to other mods functionality.