Industrial Revolution

Industrial Revolution


[REQUEST] Farmer: don't use last bone meal in Stack

TrojanerHD opened this issue ยท 1 comments



Unlike e. g. the chopper, the farmer does not have a dedicated slot for bone meal. While it makes sense to be more dynamic with a farmer (i.e. plant four different plants), I would like it to not consume the last bone meal on its own, so add a stack.count > 1 check here:

item is BoneMealItem && isCropBlock && (block as? Fertilizable)?.isFertilizable(world, pos, state, false) == true && block.canGrow(world, world.random, pos, state) -> {


I'm building a wheat farm and automatically produce bone meal from the leftover seeds. I also automatically feed back the seeds it harvests back into the input and as such, the input is full with seeds as soon as the last bone meal gets consumed.