[BUG] Retriever Servo dissapearing
GoodLike78 opened this issue ยท 0 comments
-I have an autosorter via Item Pipe MK1, retriever servos (fulled filters) and around 45-55 chests and 4 machines connected. Retrieval servos started visually dissapearing from pipes, but they still worked, they pull items and if I right click them, I can see the items in filter. Worked for few days, after few server restarts It stopped working. I can still click the item pipe and the inventory appear, but its empty. If I destroy the item pipe, it only drops the item pipe, the retrieval servo isn't dropped anymore. If I tried to add an item to the filter of this "ghost servo" it doesn't pull items. So the retrieval servo pretty much dissappeared from the pipe on it's own and now I can place new one.
Is there some kind of saving limit for the amount of servos in 1 chunk ?
Steps to Reproduce:
- Having over 50 retrieval servos with item pipes and servos filter filled in 1 chunk and then restarting the game.
Technical Information:
- Minecraft: 1.20.1
- Fabric API: 0.16.5
- Industrial Revolution: indrev-1.16.7-BETA
- Modpack: Prominence II RPG Hasturian Era (3.0.11)
- None
- all the pipes had retrieval servo
- right click on them opens the filter but it's empty and before it was filled with filtered items