[BUG] Factories
LouiJ opened this issue ยท 2 comments
- When I try to assemble a factory it goes like this :
I put the factory block down, and right click it.
A ghost image of where I should place the other blocs appears (9 frames on the bottom, 6 silos + 2 cabinet + 1 controller above that, and then 3 ducts + 3 intakes + 1 warning strobe on top).
I place the blocs corresponding in their position and some of them glow white.
When I right click on the factory again, it says : "Stucture not built"
I feel like the white glow indicates that the bloc is correctly positionned, but I CANNOT get some blocs to glow white. And placing random blocs (such as sand) glow white !
Technical Information:
- Minecraft: 1.16.3
- Fabric API: 0.25.1+build.416-1.16
- Industrial Revolution: 1.7.7
- Mods: BetterCaves, Byg, cinderscape, CreeperConfetti, Nethereu, oprifabric, oprifine, patchouli, repurposed structures, REI, SimpleBackpack, Simpleportals, vanilladeathchests, vanillahammers
PS : Love the mod, keep up the good work
The "white glow" should be red to identify a misplaced block. Probably Optifine messed with this. Can you provide a screenshot of your factory?