Infernal Expansion

Infernal Expansion


Biomes O' Plenty Compat

tikiMC opened this issue ยท 1 comments


When Biomes O' Plenty is installed the glowstone canyon doesn't generate.

Load the game with Infernal Expansion and Biomes O' Plenty installed, travel to the nether and look around or use /locatebiome.

For the glowstone canyon to generate regardless of what other biome mods are present

  • Mod Version: 2.0.0
  • Minecraft Version: 1.16.5
  • Forge Version: 36.1.25
  • Biomes O' Plenty:

Go into your installation wherever it is. Find the config folder and go into that.
Go into the biomesoplenty folder. Go into the generation.toml file. Find the line that is called "use_bop_nether" and change the value to false.
Save, exit, potentially reload the game. Start a new world using the Biomes O' Plenty World Type.