Infernal Expansion

Infernal Expansion


Glowsquito Speed Boost

nekomaster1000 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


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Currently, Glowsquitos are incredibly sluggish mid-air, making them an exceptionally mediocre threat. This is because flying entities' built in AI does not accomodate faster movement values, even when they're set.

My suggestion is that when the player receives Luminance and the Glowsquito sets it's attack target on the Luminous player, the Glowsquito is pushed forward by a small motion vector so as to make them faster, and to make Luminance function more as the debuff it's supposed to be on players.

I suggest doing it this way because this is how I achieve a speedy effect on my flying mobs in Enemy Expansion. Is it hacky? Yes. But I'm unsure on if there's a better way to make flying mobs faster other than completely rewriting how flying entities work.

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