Infinite Dimensions 1.5.4 (January 30 2024) bugs
Gomaworm opened this issue ยท 3 comments
I was just playing infinite dimensions 1.5.4 (January 30 2024), and I have two bugs I'd like to report:
(1) I made a nether portal and threw in an unsigned book with a 5 letter word. The portal changed color like it should. When I tried to enter in either survival mode, it would do the swirling portal animation as normal and then leave me in the overworld. Creative mode, signed books, new portals, and different words did not make a difference. I tried some in-game debugging of my own, and managed to be able to use them in a weird, roundabout way. In the overworld, after throwing a book to set a destination, I threw an ender pearl through the portal and it landed on the other side of the portal still in the overworld. After a successful pearl teleport, I could walk through and use the portal both ways between dimensions as intended, until I threw in a new book. One time the pearl never landed, so I never teleported, and I still couldn't get to another dimension. Hopefully this helps in you debugging.
(2) The game crashed in one of the dimensions as is typical of the infinity snapshot, and, based on the error description, I believe I simply need to allocate more RAM to Minecraft and reduce my simulation/render distances. I will attach the Modrinth error log below, in case any information is relevant. I used Fabric-API 0.91.0+1.20.1, since Modrinth required Fabric API to run the mod.
Error Log.txt
Thank you for making on this mod. The 20w14infinite April Fools update is my favorite, but it is a few versions behind.
Update: To update the portal color, after throwing in a new book, I have to stand in the portal and unsuccessfully teleport. The ender pearl workaround only works once the portal color has updated. Also, I installed sodium and I haven't run into any crashes or lag the last hour of playtime.
properly updating a portal color with a new book is sadly not yet implemented, so no wonder on that one
about the unable to teleport thing. have you tried right clicking the portal right after you throw the book but before you step in? that's the intended way if solving that issue. does it work for you?
and the error log really does seem unrelated to the mod
one thing i can say, the mod can put a toll on your performance a bit more than vanilla does cause its dimensions can sometimes be deeper, 500 and more blocks in the y direction compared to overworld's 384