InGame Info XML

InGame Info XML


Certain tags don't use proper bounds (min, max etc)

Lunatrius opened this issue ยท 0 comments

<AnrDaemon> BTW, I don't know, if it's intended or not, but <max> will pick last value, if they are equal.
<@Lunatrius> That might be a bug
<@Lunatrius> Will have to check
<AnrDaemon> I.e. <max><var>bootsdamageleft</var><num>0</num><str>{bootsdamageleft}</str><str/></max> will pick <str/> if damage left is 0/missing. Convenient, in this case, but I'm not sure it's intended.
<@Lunatrius> Yeah, it's a bug
<@Lunatrius> Pretty sure that I've documented it as >= and not >
<@Lunatrius> Oh... huh
<@Lunatrius> "If num1 is greater then num2 returns val1 (or mix1 if specified), otherwise returns num2 (or mix2 if specified)."
<@Lunatrius> It should be >= however
  <str>foo</str> <!-- should return this -->
  <str>bar</str> <!-- ... but returns this instead -->