Hanging While Launching A World
Cazadorsniper opened this issue · 17 comments
The game seems to begin hanging when I try to load a world and never loads. Here is the log http://pastebin.com/unF9UiYK although i'm suspecting the issue may be with CraftTweaker. Version 1.10.2
┆Issue is synchronized with this Asana task
I get this crash now: http://pastebin.com/b3hQ4UNE when i disable CraftTweaker/ModTweaker
ok everything seems to work fine now (even with crafttweaker enabled) after the recent update to crafttweaker.
ok after removing armorplus it stops hanging on new worlds. but this occured in the gane output log: http://pastebin.com/UBKpzmSm
Sorry sorry sorry, it took a way too long to answer ...
but anyway does it work if CraftTweaker isn't installed, because this crash seems to be really weird.
Looks like a permgen space issue. You can increase it by adding this: "-XX:MaxPermSize=256m" to the command line.
Ok, increase it to 512m, because the crash doesn't make sense. Saying it cannot find a class although it is there.
still says the same thing in the log even with the increased permsize, it seems to me that JEI doesn't recognize the advanced crafting table recipes and the recipe of the table itself.
tested it using jei_1.10.2- and it works without any problems, maybe try to use this version of IGCM (not released yet). Attention it will cause issues with every addon (OpticManager). https://www.dropbox.com/s/ehzy9zifmwp8v68/IGCM%20alpha%20v1.0.4%20mc1.10.zip?dl=0
Yep, ok that causes a lot of issue (didn't see that version), working on a fix and will release it soon.