Incredible Bug
Opened this issue ยท 19 comments
latest version of igcm kills the Json recipe edit mod. it kills all my custom recipes that doesn't work on dedicated server side. please help :(
in single player it works fine, but when i install it on dedicated server, all my custom recipes won't work :( i'm clicking the result item on crafting but it doesn't give the result item to me...
Yeah someone else also reported this issue. I will to some testing. Hopefully i can find the cause.
ah, no. they don't :( still happening. should i have deleted old config before trying it? i didn't.
I couldn't reproduce it, everything works perfectly fine on my end. I started a dedicated server, joined with two clients. Opened 'add crafting table recipe' on both clients. Added a random recipe, hit 'save' and it immediately updates for both clients. I can craft the recipe and it's still there after restarting the server.
Using Forge
IGCM v1.1.1
CreativeCore v1.7.1
Could you record it or maybe share some screenshots?
oh no, i'm using json recipe edit mod, i'm talking about it. igcm kills the custom recipes of that mod made by ezterry. i'm using that mod because i'm using it also for initial inventory setup. this is why i'm not deleting that mod and making custom recipes with using IGCM.
oh ... that's something completely different :D yeah i cannot help there. If recipes will be added too late to the game, igcm will not recognize them. There is nothing i can do about it, sorry.
oh :( it is so bad. if i use IGCM instead of Json Recipe Edit mod to make recipes, i can not make my initial inventory setup. i'm very confused :(... what should i do...
No idea, never used Json Recipe Edit mod, but from my point of view, the only problem is that IGCM will ignore recipe added by this mod. No idea why inventory setup shouldn't work. Maybe contact the author?
oh wait, initial inventory setup works :D then i will use Json Recipe Edit and IGCM together again. I will try to make all my recipes in IGCM, hope all of them work. (shaped, shapeless, delete recipe, result count etc)
omg, my game has been crashed when try to make a recipe. :(
edit: i was trying to make a recipe for an another mods item.