[1.11.2] Crafting crash
Timsuper opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Sorry for my later response, does this version fixes it?
Seems to work, i'll test it on server later today.
Scheint zu funktionieren, ich werds heute Abend mal auf dem Server probieren.
So I tested it on the server.
The game no longer crashes when crafting a vanilla block of iron. (tested example)
The game does crash when trying to craft ic2 items.
Nullpointer klingt ja super. #erstes Semester :)
Ok, but this is not an issue of IGCM, you should report it to IC2.
NullPointerException will be thrown if an object is null
but you try to do something with it.
For example:
-> null.getRecipeOutput
getRecipeOutput() cannot be called, since the object does not exist.