Clients don't see changes
critterfluffy opened this issue ยท 3 comments
The mod works great and is nice to have to simplify the process of customizing my server. The only issue I have been seeing is that the client doesn't appear to get the configuration files unless I make a change to the config as an OP while people are logged in. I haven't fully tested this theory but sometimes I seem to see the recipes I created and other times I don't and the only consistent thing I have seen is that the recipes only show up after I have run /CraftingManager once while logged in.
I suspect the config isn't being sent on connection to the client and only when I save it. This is also indicated by no message to the client from Crafting Manager on connection to server but one being sent after finishing using the crafting manager.
Minecraft 1.7.10
InGameConfigManager 0.1.10
NOTE: The recipes work just fine, if I build the thing, it either shows the old result or no result but if I pull the item then I get an overridden result.
Example: I have 9 Endumium from Farlanders create an ender pearl instead of an Endumium block. When I put that recipe in the bench, I see an Endumium block but when I pull it it suddenly becomes a pearl.