Instant Blocks (Fabric)

Instant Blocks (Fabric)


Statues don't look correct.

ZaneFlynt01 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


All the parts of a Player Statue generated from the Statue block are mirrored. And, not mirrored as in you take a screenshot of the skin as a model from something like Skindex or something and then mirror it, but EVERYTHING is mirrored, which for some skins makes them look completely wrong.

I have a skin that has me wearing a Mage robe. It's got a small amount of the robe open on the front, and it's opened through the center of the skin.

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However, the statue makes it so the legs are pretty much just a large flap that goes down my legs. It's inconsistent, too, seeing as the sides of my legs are not like that.


Testing with a skin template now - you're absolutely right, thanks for the find! I'll have it fixed for next release.