Integrated Dynamics

Integrated Dynamics


Materialized Item or [Item] cards do not contain the size information

druidbruce opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Issue type:

  • ๐Ÿ› Bug

Short description:

put any Item card into the materializer and the size information from output card of the materializer is always reset to 1

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  • example1
  1. put something inside slot 0 of a chest
  2. put an inventory over the chest
  3. get the slot item aspect card from the reader
  4. put the aspect card into a display panel, now the card should show correctly how much the size is
  5. to furthur confirm the size, pass the card into operator size :: Item -> Int
chest_card :: card from the slot item aspect
size_card = apply size chest_card :: Int 
  1. now size_card should correclty show the size information of the Item card (chest_card)
  2. put chest_card into a materialiizer input
  3. get the output of the materialiizer
materialized_card :: card of materializer output
msize_card = apply size materialized_card :: Int
  1. now put msize_card into a display panel, it shows 1 regardless of what size_card shows (what the original Item card should have)
  • example2
  1. replace step 1-3 from example1 with an operator that generates item with size
Opsize :: Item -> Int -> Item(with size)
item_card :: Item
int_card :: Int
newItem_card = apply2 Opsize item_card int_card :: Item
  1. simply replace chest_card with newItem_card, the results will be the same
  • example3
    do the exact same thing as example 1 or 2, but instead of Item use [Item], which turns out in the end the same result as the Item looses its size info

Expected behaviour:

at step 9, msize_card == size_card should be True (materialized card should keep their size information) as tested this works in 1.12, therefore we considered it to be not intentional and is a bug

however, I can confirm that when materializing Recipe cards, the size does not get reset to 1, as you can do so by checking

Recipe_input_ingredients :: Recipe -> Ingredient
Ingredient_items :: Ingredient -> [Item]
size :: Item -> Int
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
size_L = map size :: [Item] -> [Int]
R_iL = pipe Recipe_input_ingredients Ingredient_items  :: Recipe -> [Item]
R_isL = pipe RiL size_L :: Recipe -> [Int]

we can find that even a materialized Recipe when applied to R_isL outputs a correct [Int]


  • This mod:

  • Minecraft:

  • Forge:

Log file:

not required


Thanks for reporting!