Integrated Dynamics

Integrated Dynamics


Implement More Blocks with Menril Textures Similar to Vanilla Variants

RobuxShooters opened this issue · 2 comments


Issue type:

  • ➕ Feature request

Short description:

Currently, Integrated Dynamics supports a few blocks with its menril variant (such as fence gates and fences). However, there seems to be a few other blocks missing their menril variants (both planks and crystallized menril, perhaps also chorus?) such as:

  • Pressure Plates (Planks, Crystallized Menril, and Chorus)
  • Trapdoors (Planks)
  • Buttons (Planks, Crystallized Menril, and Chorus)
  • Signs (Planks)
  • Boats (Planks)
  • Walls, similar to Stone Brick Walls (Crystallized Menril and Chorus)
  • Chiselled Variants, similar to stone bricks (Crystallized Menril and Chorus)

Hence, I am proposing this suggestion to add the aforementioned blocks with their respective textures for building and design purposes. Thanks!


Thanks for the suggestion!


Definitely would appreciate, I wanted a bunch of boats for raiding a bastion, but my tree farm only makes menril.