Integrated Dynamics

Integrated Dynamics


Improve cross-thread world interaction

rubensworks opened this issue · 2 comments


Issue type:

  • ➕ Feature request

Short description:

The IngredientObserver will do some cross-thread world reading. Even though we built in many security checks around this, it still seems to lead to some problems (CyclopsMC/IntegratedTunnels#242, #1072).

So, once and for all, we should rethink how the IngredientObserver calculates its diffs efficiently. The world reading MUST fully take place on the main world thread.


Thanks for the suggestion!


For anyone running into this problem, disabling ingredientNetworkObserverEnableMultithreading in the ID config should fix the problem for now.

Note to self: ingrobserver: pull ingreds in world thread, but handle diff in offthread (make sure only offthread has to wait for stuff)