Integrated Dynamics

Integrated Dynamics


Question Facades

Drackion opened this issue · 7 comments


Issue type:

  • ❓ Question


How do you change the facade texture?
I have tried following the tooltip but haven't been able to set a texture for my facades.


Someone will answer your question soon. In the meantime, you might be able to get help more quickly on our Discord server.


Forgot to mention that I am on the 1.16.5 version of the mod


Ok I will try that when I have the time


If the steps from the tooltip don't work, then there's either a bug, or you're doing something wrong.

Can you try without any other mods installed?


Tested it works once i isolate the integrated dynamics mods, i will try a bug report with the modpack devs of the pack that i am playing, this isn't the first time for MC1.16.5 that facades so there just may be some mod in common that causes this issue across the packs i play


Thanks! :-)


Didn't see any fixes or workarounds for this, and the bug isn't very high priority sadly.
So, I went and created a KubeJS script that adds a bunch of recipes to craft facades from common blocks and any other blocks added to the scripts block list. It's not perfect but at least it does make facades usable again, until this gets fixed.
Script Gist: facade_recipes.js