Integrated Dynamics

Integrated Dynamics


Audio Writer - Custom Sounds

SteaSteaStea opened this issue · 5 comments


Issue type:

  • ❓ Question


I'm trying to use the the audio writer to play custom sounds which are loaded through a resourcepack.
I am able to play the sounds correctly through the /playsound command but when using a variable card with a string and an audio writer I cannot seem to get it to work. Playing a sound from other mods like Quark or vanilla sounds seems to work fine but the custom sounds which are loaded through a resourcepack do not play.

Am I doing something wrong or if they are not supposed to work would it be possible to add support for those? They seem to be loaded into the game and accessible through the /playsound command or certain other mods already which makes me wonder why the writer doesn't recognize them.

1.16.5 btw


They seem to be loaded into the game and accessible through the /playsound command or certain other mods already which makes me wonder why the writer doesn't recognize them.

What mods are you referring to exactly?
Perhaps I can look into how they handle this.


Someone will answer your question soon. In the meantime, you might be able to get help more quickly on our Discord server.


Should be fixed. Feel free to try out the latest dev build until this is released. (will require the latest CyclopsCore as well)