Integrated Dynamics

Integrated Dynamics


Support energy storage systems larger than MAX_INT

shadow7412 opened this issue · 3 comments


Issue type:

  • ➕ Feature request

Short description:

As pointed out by the LaserIO manual, the forge energy system supports energy storage up to 2.14 billion FE, and that mods such as Draconic Evolution and Mekanism store more energy than this buy "hacking" how forge energy works.

Integrated Dynamics also is restricted in this sense. But it would be very useful to look into how mods such as the above two side-step this limitation - and support it.


Thanks for the suggestion!


Energy in ID is already being handled mostly using long internally, it's only the Forge interface is restricted to integer.
We used to have support for Tesla, which was long-based. But that went away, so there's no common long-based energy API anymore.


I was wondering if this was fixed or at least a very simple fix now, as it appears this has been resolved in 1.20.1 CC: Tweaked latest (ATM9: TTS). Attached is my setup where I am trying to read from an induction matrix with integrated dynamics and computer craft side by side. For reference, these are the methods I used to interface CC with Mekanism: (Under Generic Mekanism Machine)

Edit: After talking to a CC expert, I think the solution could be adding the ability to read in RF values instead of FE, but that's just a theory.

Reading incorrectly (MAX_INT):
Reading RF instead of FE (correct value):
Real numbers in FE: