Integrated Dynamics

Integrated Dynamics


comparison's type check fails if one parameter is a variable of type any

rakslice opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Issue type:

  • ๐Ÿ› Bug

Short description:

When trying to create a comparison such as != in the logic programmer, I get a type error and can't save the result if one parameter is a variable of type any (for instance, the result of a ? choice) and the other has a specific type (say an integer constant)

Expected behaviour:

The type check always passes if one or both parameters are of type any, and I can put the result in a variable.

Actual behaviour:

A red X is shown next to the result slot, and if I put in a variable card, nothing is saved to it.
type error

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Create a ? choice variable where all the possible values it can take are integers
  2. Create an integer constant variable
  3. Try to create a != comparison of the ? choice and the constant


  • This mod: 1.12.2-0.9.5
  • CyclopsCore: 1.12.2-0.10.22
  • Minecraft: 1.12.2
  • Forge: