Integrated Dynamics

Integrated Dynamics


Suggestion Easy of use for Network Management

squirrelkiller opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Can we get a block that allows remote access and interaction with any other block on the network?

I find myself running around a lot between Materializer, Logic Programmer, and Variable Store. These 3 especially are quite annoying because they are required for any form of advanced operations, often finding half way through setting up some logic that I need to go materialize a variable value, or dump off about half a dozen variable cards into the store. Really just the ability to work with those 3 would be good enough by me, but might as well go the whole way. I am thinking similar to the terminal from AE2 that allowed you access to all of the Recipe slots in the network. This would not allow the transfer of items, but it would allow the user to control larger networks more efficiently.

This would take the least enjoyable part of the process and make it just slightly more enjoyable. You could even allow the naming of devices, for example, rather than just seeing "Type: Redstone Reader, ID: 23" It could read "Type: Redstone Reader, ID: 23, Name: Farm Control".

I can see this allowing people to control their entire base from one room and manage their network as well. I know I used to control my entire base from one room with a few of the Programmable RedNet Controller, which was not nearly as powerful as Integrated Dynamics.


That's a good idea!
I'll try to take this into account for one of the next feature updates.