Integrated Dynamics

Integrated Dynamics


[Issue/Own mistake] AND-Operator issues

accessdenied0 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Issue type:

  • ๐Ÿ› Bug
    Operator AND seems not to work

Short description:

My goal was to connect a Clock with a Entity-Detector to emit a Clock-Impulse everytime a Entity (Item) was in front of it. I converted the Entity-List to a Is notEmpty and stored it with the Clock variable in the Variable container. I used AND with Variable (IsNotEmpty) and (Clock). Normally if IsNotEmpty would be true, the pulse of the CLOCK would be go through. But it always returns false. I now tried every variable each, every variable puts the right output. I used (IsNotEmpty) AND (IsNotEmpty) as a test, because this should be true in any case. AND returns false.
Also I noticed that there is no xor as binary and nxor doesn't exist at all.

Steps to reproduce the problem:

Picture of the setup

Expected behaviour:


  • This mod: IntegratedDynamics-1.12.2-0.11.11
  • Minecraft: 1.12.2
  • Forge:

Just tested this myself, and everything seems to work just fine here. No issues at all.

Could you try reproducing this without any other mods installed? And if you can still reproduce it, please give me a detailed step-by-step guide of what you did.


No problem, be sure to tell me if it happens again.

Those operators already exist.
XOR is the same as !=. And XNOR is the same as ==.


Strangely enough: After I tear it all down and made a different setup, it worked. I'm really not sure because I did everything the same, except I used a new set of Values. I didn't changed anything else...

To another point: Is it possible to add a XOR (and maybe a NXOR) modifier for Boolean? That would be really convenient.

I'm really sorry If I caused trouble here. I'm glad it works now...