Integrated Dynamics

Integrated Dynamics


Stack Size Lost for Recipe Ingredients set to Ore Dictionary Match-Mode

JHawkley opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Issue type:

  • ๐Ÿ› Bug

Short description:

When creating a recipe where an input ingredient is set to, "Match by Equivalent Ore Dictionary values," the resulting recipe card fails to record the stack-size of the ingredient. This problem only seems to arise when Ore Dictionary matching is used. All other modes seem to work correctly.

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Create a recipe in the Logic Programmer that requires at least one input ingredient with an ore dictionary entry. Ensure the recipe specifies a stack-size greater than 1 for the ingredient.
  2. Set the ore-dictionary-compatible item to "Match by Equivalent Ore Dictionary values".
  3. Create a card with the recipe and observe the "value" entry in the tool-tip.

Expected behaviour:

The recipe card should correctly reflect the stack-size of the item specified in the recipe.


  • This mod: 1.0.11
  • Minecraft: 1.12.2
  • Forge: (Enigmatica 2: Expert)

Log file:

Have some annotated screenshots, instead.


Please update to the latest mod version, you're running a few behind, and let me know if the problem still occurs.
This has probably been fixed already in CyclopsMC/IntegratedCrafting#33.


I was able to update to version 1.0.16 (Enigmatica 2: Expert made a new release with a new version of ID, finally), but a quick test shows that the issue seems to still affect that version as well.

I should also note that my pack does not have Integrated Crafting installed, at the moment. This issue affects only Integrated Dynamics and the creation of recipes in the Logic Programmer; nothing related to making use of the recipe elsewhere.

All I'm doing is creating the recipe and inspecting the resulting variable card from the Logic Programmer.

Also, I believe you have all the information you need to verify the issue yourself. I'm not sure what information you feel you lacked; steps to reproduce and verify the issue were provided. Were you unable to follow them?


I should also note that my pack does not have Integrated Crafting installed

Ah ok, my bad then, I thought this was related to IC.

In that case this is indeed an issue with ID, and more specifically the encoding of oredict-based recipe entries.


This will be fixed in the next update. Thanks for reporting, and my apologies for the confusion before.