Integrated Dynamics

Integrated Dynamics


Redstone Reader clock update question

Pultex opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Issue type:

Does the redstone readers clock make redstone chunk updates all the time ?


All Redstone Readers have an internal clock set to 1 second, I am not sure if you can disable it completely by setting 0 or an negative number like -1.

I just want to not have unneeded updates to chucks happening in complex networks in chucks causing chunk errors and corrupting themselves.

Had this happen in DW10 pack some time ago with immersive engineering's redstone system and did not realize their clock was bugged at the time.


There is a PLUS button on the Redstone Clock "aspect" of the Redstone Reader that can be used to configure it. All aspects of Readers or Writers that can be configured will have this same plus button.

There is no way to disable the Redstone Clock aspect. However, there is no need to. The Redstone Clock aspect is only calculated when a part of the network tries to get the value from that aspect, so it will not create a ticking tile entity to cause lag or force the network to chunk-load unnecessarily.


@Pultex Indeed, what @GreyMario says is correct. As long as you don't use the clock aspect anywhere, it will not be calculated, and will not cause chunk updates.

