Integrated Dynamics

Integrated Dynamics


Combine the Programmer and Labeler

suzuki-jessy opened this issue · 4 comments


Issue type:

  • ➕ Feature request

Short description: A small request to be able to combine the Labeler with the logic programmer so the programmer has the naming available without requiring two items in inventory


If you combine the labeller and programmer, it would be nice if the general naming of things would also be available. So you don't need to have a labeller to name variables you got from readers and the like.


Having the Labeler be part of the Logic Programmer is a great idea! You wouldn't even need a new operator, just add a text box in the Logic Programmer GUI, near the output box on the bottom right and any card programmed is labeled with what you put in the text box..

If I understand Xandaros, his request is to add labels to things like readers and writers? Maybe the readers/writers have a text box in the GUI to name them? Bonus if placing a reader/writer against something tries to read what that object is and populate the label text field with something you could still change. If I pop a reader on the side of a vanilla furnace, it automatically labels itself furnace but I can still edit the label.

Another feature request along these lines is to replace items like the Delayer, Materializer and Proxy and have them just be another "operator" in the Logic Programmer instead.


Not sure why I didn't close this yet, but we've had this for a long time already.
Opening the LP with a Labeler in your inventory will add a small button right next to the variable writing slot, which will open a text field to set a label when clicked.


@rubensworks requesting this to be reopened; although, as you said, @KollinsPlays's request is already the current behaviour, the initial request was for the current behaviour to be possible with only one item (i.e., by placing the portable LP and labeler in a crafting grid to get an 'lp-and-labeler' item, which would have the same behaviour as the LP but allows for renaming without also having a labeler in your inventory and wasting slots). Inventory space can be a pain to manage, especially in technical modpacks, where you might be carrying around the cables and wrench/tools for 5 different mods on you.