Integrated Dynamics

Integrated Dynamics


Improve GUI layout of all Readers/Writers for usability (also applies to InTu Interface/Importer/Exporter)

Jack-McKalling opened this issue · 2 comments


Issue type:

  • ➕ Feature request

Short description:

Please improve the GUI of Readers, Writers, Interfaces, Importers, and Exporters or anything else that allows you to insert a variable card into one of its aspects, for more usability. I suggest using tabs to more intuitively separate the different windows, and a scrollable list you can select from for selecting the individual properties (just like how you can select an operator in the logic programmer).

How I imagine it could look like (made in windows Paint, using Item Importer for best example):
indy intu aspect property gui

More detailed analysis:

  1. If you'd click one of the plus buttons to edit the properties of an aspect, the window would automatically switch to a new tab button for editing that specific aspect, using the same icon on the tab button as the value type, and the same window title as the aspect's name.
  2. Instead of the current paginator-style layout, it would have a listview-style layout to select between the properties, so that you can see and hover over all properties at once, and see their default and current value (if different) in a tooltip.
  3. Initially the first property would be automatically selected from the listview, and editable on the right (similar to how the first property is also immediately edible currently).
  4. The name of the selected property would also be appended to the window title (such that in the example image above, it would be "Import Item - Channel", I forgot to draw that before I uploaded here).
  5. Clicking on another property in the listview would change the panel on the right to show the chosen property's textfield and update the window title accordingly.
  6. When returning to one of the other tab buttons, the tab button for this aspect would dissappear again.
  7. This dynamically showing/hiding of the aspect's tab button would be necessary to prevent clutter of tab buttons.

If possible, it would also be very convenient if the tab buttons of aspects that have been edited before, would persist instead of disappearing when tabbing away. Then it would immediately be visible which aspect's properties have already been edited before, for your own management purposes. But with this, the plus button to open that aspect's tab would then need to be replaced with an X button (while edited values exist) to reset its property values to make the tab disappear again. I haven't fully discussed this tab persistence concept in my head yet so it might need to be tweaked more.

But overall these two changes (tabs and listview) would make the gui much easier to deal with and offer more opportunity to show more information (such as property default and current values from tooltip) than is currently available.


I later also changed my mind on the tab button ordering, as I think the second tab in the image (for configuring target side and ticks/operation etc), should always stick to the right edge of the window.


Great ideas. Unfortunately the main problem with this mod is not the lack of ideas, but implementation time. So a PR on this would be very welcome!