Integrated Dynamics

Integrated Dynamics


Add storage to portable logic programmer, for adding custom materialized operators to the GUI

Jack-McKalling opened this issue · 2 comments


Issue type:

  • ➕ Feature request

Short description:

It is always a frustration to have to carry with you all those all-purpose materialized green operators you made, for later use in your programming for future automations. It would be nice if the portable logic programmer had (for instance shift+rightclick) variable store functionality, and that it could carry those green operator cards for you. More than that, that these operators can then be used directly from the list of operators in the GUI of the LP.

This variable card storage could be either global (so adding a card to one LP affects another as well) or item-specific (such that you need multiple LPs to access all those you stored in them). If this is global storage, the size of the storage should probably be bigger than one variable store GUI, but not if it is item-specific. Either way, this would allow you to insert variable cards into the GUI to expand on the set of operators you can use to program onto a card, and you could easily take them out again, overwrite or just wipe out, because they are still accessible as regular variable cards.


That would be super good especially with more complex operators


Thanks for the suggestion!