Integrated NBT

Integrated NBT


Crash when removing Item from Inventory thats being used

Ludi87 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Modpack: Infitech 3 with updated Commoncapabilities, Cyclopscore, Integrated Dynamics (all newest versions)


  • Put down Gregtech Battery Buffer, insert 4 full batteries
  • Use block reader on Battery Buffer to get a Variable card with the NBT
  • Get 4 Variable cards with the 4 Energy Levels of the batteries
  • Addition of Variable 1+2 and 3+4 into new Variable cards
  • Addition of the resulting cards into another new one
  • Put variable cards in Variable storage, put result card into Display. Now the Total Energy is displayed.
  • Remove one Battery from the Battery Buffer
  • Crash

I tried to reproduce the crash only with Integrated Dynamics without the Addon, unfortunately I couldn't get it to work properly. Not sure if its not possible or if my knowledge is too limited.. (thats why I'm using the mod, it would make it a lot easier for me).



Hello, thanks for reporting the crash. Unfortunately, I was not able to reproduce the crash with a similar setup (not with gregtech though).

I also cannot access your crash log (503 Service Unavailable). Can you try to re-upload it to another place?



Fixed :)