Integration Foregoing

Integration Foregoing


Request: Add Apotheosis compatibility to Enchantment Applicator

bluegreen1024 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I don't know if you are still maintaining the 1.12.2 version of your mod, but if so it would be helpful to add the ability for the Enchantment Applicator to apply enchantments to items or combine enchanted books beyond the vanilla limit (if a mod such as Apotheosis that adds enchantment levels beyond vanilla is installed). This is unlikely to be added in Industrial Foregoing as the author does not support 1.12.2 anymore. As a concrete example of what I mean, the Enchantment Applicator currently cannot combine two Sharpness V books into Sharpness VI, even if Sharpness VI is accessible via the enchanting table, via vanilla anvil enchantment combining, and/or via loot.