Inventory Profiles Next

Inventory Profiles Next


Compatibility with stackableShulkerBoxes from Carpet

BelisariusMC opened this issue ยท 1 comments


The Carpet mod has a feature to stack empty shulker boxes (up to 64) named stackableShulkerBoxes which causes an error on InventoryProfilesNext when attempting to sort an inventory that contains stackable shulkers.

With Minecraft 1.19.2 and InventoryProfilesNext-fabric-1.19-1.7.2, it gives the error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal Capacity: -49 in any condition, where -49 is an example for 60 shulkers, this value varies according to the stack size.

With Minecraft 1.19 (1.19.0) and InventoryProfilesNext-fabric-1.19-1.6.0 and Minecraft 1.18.2 and InventoryProfilesNext-fabric-1.18.2-1.6.0, it doesn't give any error if the inventory sorting operation doesn't need to move the shulker stack. If it needs/try to move the shulker stack, it gives the error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Area is not retangular!.

I am aware of the difficulty or impossibility to sort the illegal stacks, but the behavior of InventoryProfileNext 1.6.0 worked fine enough. Could you implement it for 1.7.0 and future versions?
The most optimal solution (disregarding the ability to sort the illegal stacks) would be to complete ignore or skip the slots that contains these type of stacks automatically in any operation of inventory sorting.


the workaround works ance again works in 1.8.0 now oversized stacks of size <=64 are moved at the back of the inventory and oversized stacks with more than 64 are left in place
however due to the nature of these oversized stacks braking again in future is possible