Inventory Profiles Next

Inventory Profiles Next


Advanced keybinding settings causes buttons to remain pressed/get stuck.

MaartenMertens opened this issue · 1 comments


To recreate:
"Select And Apply Quick Profile 1" is mapped to "R" with advanced keybinding settings: Activate On Release, Allow Extra Keys True.
("W" is just mapped to walking forward in default minecraft).

Order of pressing:

Current behaviour: The game still thinks "W" is pressed after this sequense.
Intended/desired behaviour: Stop walking when releasing "W".


yeah that part of the input system needs some work.

But I would say it works as intended. Just there is no good way to cancel valilla processing just for the R in this case.

The short term "solution" will be to add "cancel further processing" as an option in the advanced settings. So you can disable it.

Or remove allow extra keys for bindings that cancel further processing.

The second is easier to implement but I guess it's not want you need 🤣