[Bug] Villager Trading Buys Extras
zachbakerdev opened this issue ยท 2 comments
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List of all other installed mods
- Cloth Config
- Continuity
- Entity Model Features
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- Fabric API
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- Freecam
- Jade
- JourneyMap
- libIPN
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- Roughly Enough Items
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- Sodium
- WorldEdit
- YetAnotherConfigLibrary
- Zoomify
Describe the problem
When trading with villagers, if you are buying something with emeralds, and you run out, IPN will continue to buy things other than the item traded until you run out of emeralds. The example I just encountered involved buying bookshelves in bulk, and as long as I had more than 9 emeralds when the trade was cancelled, the trades stopped, but when I got low on emeralds, it bought a bunch of lanterns despite only having the bookshelves marked for local trading.
Steps to reproduce
- Get a master librarian with bookshelves and some other trade worth less than 9 emeralds, but only requiring emeralds (such as lanterns)
- Mark the bookshelves as a local or global trade
- Trade using the button while having 10-17 emeralds in your inventory
- You may end up with a ton of extra items.
I have tried to reproduce the problem with only or without "Inventory Profiles Next" and its dependencies installed.
- I have tested without 'Inventory Profiles Next' and its dependencies
- I have tested with only 'Inventory Profiles Next' and its dependencies and no other mods