Inventory Profiles

Inventory Profiles


Hotkey only works for sort/open gui, not functioning for column/row/move all

Avera9eJoe opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Greetings! I absolutely love this mod, although the hotkeys are not functioning for anything except for default sort or open gui.

To repeat: Open a single player or multiplayer game, open inventory, and press the hotkey to sort by column, row, or move all. Observe that nothing happens.


You can set the Context of Advanced Keybind Settings of those keys to Gui instead of In-game. They supposed to be Gui as default. I'll fix it in the next version.

You can click the keycap icon to set the corresponding Advanced Keybind Settings.


Ah, many thanks! With your info I set the keybinds to Context: In-game/GUI and Allow extra keys: True and everything works now. Many thanks! Closing this issue now :)

