Inventory Sorter

Inventory Sorter


Scrollwheel action not being disabled by mousetweaks?

nddragoon opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Hey, could you add a config file to enable/disable the item scrolling? Being used to the scrolling from mouse tweaks, It's really hard for me to use the wheel with this mod, I'd like a way to disable it here so I can use the feature from mouse tweaks


Mousetweaks being loaded should disable mousewheel by default...


Mousetweaks being loaded should disable mousewheel by default...

That is not the case with inventorysorter-1.19.2-21.0.4

I checked by:

  • Checking the scroll wheel direction in-game (config set to 0)
  • Set the config to 1
  • Restarted Minecraft
  • Checked the scroll wheel direction in-game again

The result was the same. The way I see it, either Inventory Sorter is not disabled, or MouseTweaks isn't reading it's config ๐Ÿ˜„



This stills seems to be a problem in v 22.0.0. Inventory Sorter is still overwriting the scroll direction setting from Mousetweeks.