Inventory Sorter

Inventory Sorter


Mouse Wheel fast scrolling issue

Opened this issue ยท 3 comments


When i scroll my mouse wheel too fast i just pick the item. Using version 1.12.4 +52 of the mod


@GizliKodcu Do you have any other mods installed? e.g. Mouse Tweaks, Inventory Tweaks, Item Scroller, Not Enough Items 1.8+?


If you were playing the direwolf20 mod pack v1.5.0 you would've experienced this. It was later addressed in 1.6.0.


I would echo what snow asks here. Mousewheel activity in my mod is 100% server side, it should never cause items to become stuck on the cursor. Note that default configuration of direwolf20 pack is to use mousetweaks wheel activity, mine is disabled..