Inventory Sorter

Inventory Sorter


Scroll wheel behavior is handled incorrectly

Greg-21 opened this issue · 0 comments


Inventory Sorter mod has, among others, the following two keybindings: "Wheel item to cursor" and "Wheel item from cursor". By default, with the first one is associated scroll wheel up, and with the second one – scroll wheel down. So when you scroll UP, an item should be moved TO the inventory slot, over which the mouse cursor is, from somewhere, and when you scroll DOWN, the item should be moved FROM the mouse cursor to somewhere.

The problem is that the scroll wheel behavior is handled incorrectly, it looks like inverted – scrolling UP moves the item FROM the inventory slot, and scrolling DOWN moves the item TO the slot. Only the default config with the scroll wheel works incorrectly, so if you replace the default config (scroll wheel up and scroll wheel down) with different keys (e.g. arrow up and arrow down), everything works correctly.

I was able to reproduce this issue on the following configurations (I didn't test other configs):
● Minecraft versions: 1.14.4, 1.12.2
● Inventory Sorter versions: 15.2.0, 1.13.3+57
● Forge versions: 28.0.20,